SQWareProduction:postgres:etc:.profile confort
File to put aliases $gvsqw_PgBin/../etc/.profile_confort:
Contains confort aliases of SQWareProduction for RDBMS postgres.
Alias explanation:
put => "echo $lvsqw_EchoOpt '\033]0;${gvsqw_UserExec}@$gvsqw_Hostname $gvsqw_Env ${PG_SID} (dbSQWare v$gvsqw_EdtVersion GPL v3)\033\\'" erase => 'stty erase ^H' so => 'set -o emacs' h => 'history -100' ll => 'ls -al' lt => 'ls -altr' top => '/usr/local/bin/top' cls => 'clear' l => 'ls -l' lrt => 'ls -rtl' p => 'pwd' sg => 'size=$(du -sk .|cut -f1);((size=size/1024/1024));echo "$size Go";date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"' sm => 'size=$(du -sk .|cut -f1);((size=size/1024));echo "$size Mo";date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"' dmp => 'cd $gvsqw_RootDump; ls -al'; dbf => 'cd $gvsqw_RootDbf; ls -al'; bin => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin; ls -al'; lib => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../lib; ls -al'; men => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../menu; ls -al'; too => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../tools; ls -al'; etc => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../etc; ls -al'; cbin => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../bin_cust; ls -al'; clib => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../lib_cust; ls -al'; cmen => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../menu_cust; ls -al'; ctoo => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../tools_cust; ls -al'; cetc => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../etc_cust; ls -al'; hlp => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../help; ls -al'; chlp => 'cd $gvsqw_PgBin/../help_cust; ls -al'; e => '. $gvsqw_PgBin/../tools/sqwpg_SetEnv.ksh' my => 'postgres $gvsqw_ConnectString' CFG => 'cd $MYSQL_HOME;vi -R my.cnf' memcfg => 'cd $MEM_HOME; vi -R etc/postgres-monitor-agent.ini' err => 'cd $MYSQL_HOME/log; tail -100 $PG_SID.error.log' memerr => 'cd $MEM_HOME; tail -100 postgres-monitor-agent.$PG_SID.log' mysp => 'my -e "show processlist"' cfg => 'cd $gvsqw_RootCfg; ls -al'; log => 'cd $gvsqw_RootAdmin/logs; ls -ltr'; tmp => 'cd $gvsqw_RootAdmin/tmp; ls -ltr';