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It is the repository module, and stores rdbms indicators for all RDBMS.
It is a MySQL database.
Objects prefix by tsqw_% or isqw_% are generic.
Objects prefix by tsqwmys_% or isqwmys_% are specific for Mysql.
Installation guide for SQWareRepository for Mysql

Naming convention

All specific objects for Mysql are named with prefixes:

  • tsqwmys_% : for tables
  • isqwmys_% : for index
  • isqwmys_%_u : for uniques
  • isqwmys_%_pk : for primary key

Nuvola apps important.png
Do not change the standard tables of the tool. For your custom objects, use another name convention than dbSQWare.

This will facilitate version upgrades.

Specific database content for MySQL


This table contains : ...
Desc of tsqwmys_LogSlowQuery :

Field Type
dbalias varchar(80)
gather_date datetime
status varchar(30)
longquerytime int(11)
log_file varchar(800)


This table contains : ...
Desc of tsqwmys_Parameters :

Field Type
dbalias varchar(80)
gather_date datetime
name varchar(255)
value varchar(4000)


This table contains : ...
Desc of tsqwmys_VolDb :

Field Type
dbalias varchar(80)
database_name varchar(255)
gather_date datetime
size_db decimal(12,2)


This table contains : ...
Desc of tsqwmys_VolTables :

Field Type
dbalias varchar(80)
gather_date datetime
table_schema varchar(64)
table_name varchar(64)
engine varchar(64)
table_rows int(11)
data_length decimal(12,2)
index_length decimal(12,2)