- 1 Install sources of all modules on focal point
- 2 Modules configuration
- 2.1 SQWareRepository
- 2.2 SQWareCentral
- 2.3 SQWareWeb
- 2.4 SQWareProduction
Install sources of all modules on focal point
Before install
Vervion française disponible ici.
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only (CentOS or RedHat are good).
The unix user must have /bin/ksh as shell (no bash !).
Install a MySQL instance (>=5.1), create a database and a user for the repository.
Provide between 500 Mb and 1 Gb for 100 managed instances ...
Exemple of commands:
create database dbsqware_db; grant all privileges on dbsqware_db.* to 'dbsqware_user'@'localhost' identified by 'dbSQWareMysPwd' with grant option; grant all privileges on dbsqware_db.* to 'dbsqware_user'@'%' identified by 'dbSQWareMysPwd' with grant option; flush privileges;
Install apache (>=2.2) with PHP 5.x (with support of mysqli).
Prepare archive file of all modules
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only.
Create a unix user (dbsqware) in dba group with /bin/ksh as shell (no bash !).
su - #Add unix group groupadd dba ##To fix gid ... groupadd -g 500 dba #Add unix user useradd -g dba -s /bin/ksh -d /home/dbsqware dbsqware ##To fix uid ... useradd -u 501 -g dba -s /bin/ksh -d /home/dbsqware dbsqware #Change owner chown dbsqware:dba /home/dbsqware #Add password to user passwd dbsqware
Download latest dbSQWare archive from support site.
#Move tgz of lastest full version su - dbsqware cp ~/downloads/dbSQWare_full_*.tgz $HOME/.
Extract archive of all modules
su - dbsqware #gunzip and extract archive of all modules cd $HOME gunzip -c dbSQWare_full_*.tgz |tar -xvf - #Delete archive file rm -f $HOME/dbSQWare_full_*.tgz
You must have:
$ ls -l total 16 lrwxrwxrwx 1 dbsqware dba 24 20xx-04-05 18:12 generic -> SQWareProduction/generic drwxr-x--- 13 dbsqware dba 4096 20xx-04-05 18:11 SQWareCentral drwxr-x--- 10 dbsqware dba 4096 20xx-04-05 18:11 SQWareProduction drwxr-x--- 11 dbsqware dba 4096 20xx-04-05 18:11 SQWareRepository drwxr-x--- 10 dbsqware dba 4096 20xx-04-05 18:11 SQWareWeb
Modules configuration
If you want use the full capability of dbSQWare, you have to install it.
If you don't install SQWareRepository you can't use SQWareCentral nor SQWareWeb.
Make all actions with dbsqware unix user.
Configure SQWareRepository credentials
Create custom configuration file:
grep -v '^#' $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/generic/etc/.my_SQWareRepository.cnf \ > $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/generic/etc_cust/.my_SQWareRepository.cnf
Put custom parameters:
cat $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/generic/etc_cust/.my_SQWareRepository.cnf [client] host = SQWareRepositoryHost port = 3306 database = dbsqware_db user = dbsqware_user password = dbSQWareMysPwd
Install SQWareRepository
Install MySQL schema for SQWareRepository:
It's the focal point of dbSQWare.
You must install SQWareRepository before installing SQWareCentral.
SQWareCentral environnement
Put variable gvsqw_SQWareCentralPath into your .profile and source of SQWareCentral environnement.
$ cat /home/dbsqware/.profile export gvsqw_Env='PRD' export gvsqw_SQWareCentralPath=$HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareCentral export gvsqw_SQWareProductionPath=$HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction . $gvsqw_SQWareCentralPath/etc/.profile
Reload your .profile:
. $HOME/.profile
Customize variables for your own environnement !
To customize variables contain in $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/generic/etc/sqwgen_GlobalVar.cfg,
put them into $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/generic/etc_cust/sqwgen_GlobalVar.cfg.
In general case, you just have to customize gvsqw_GlobalMail (email adress to send report).
For help on sqwgen_GlobalVar.cfg
SQWareCentral automation
You can put in place some jobs in crontab to automate glogal tasks. Take in example the file $SQWareCentralPath/etc/CrontabRef.cfg:
########################### ## mm(0-59) hh(0-23) dd(1-31) MM(0-12) DAY(0-sunday, 1-monday, ...) command ## Generic cron for SQWareCentral ############ # Generate all ref files (RefFileInstances,RefFileDb,RefFileCMDB,...) 00 02,08 * * * ksh -c '. ~/.profile 2>&1 >/dev/null;$gvsqw_SQWareCentralPath/bin/sqwctl_GenRef_AllFiles.ksh 2>&1 >$HOME/admin/SQWareCentral/logs/sqwctl_GenRef_AllFiles.log' # Check indicators 00 07 * * * ksh -c '. ~/.profile 2>&1 >/dev/null;$gvsqw_SQWareCentralPath/bin/sqwctl_CheckIndicators.ksh 2>&1 >$HOME/admin/SQWareCentral/logs/sqwctl_CheckIndicators.log' # Gather indicators 00 03 * * * ksh -c '. ~/.profile 2>&1 >/dev/null;$gvsqw_SQWareCentralPath/bin/sqwctl_GatherIndicators.ksh 2>&1 >$HOME/admin/SQWareCentral/logs/sqwctl_GatherIndicators.log' # Retry gather indicators if not exists 00 09,12,17 * * * ksh -c '. ~/.profile 2>&1 >/dev/null;$gvsqw_SQWareCentralPath/bin/sqwctl_GatherIndicators.ksh Repind 2>&1 >$HOME/admin/SQWareCentral/logs/sqwctl_GatherIndicators_Repind.log' # Check started instances Oracle 00 06 * * * ksh -c '. ~/.profile 2>&1 >/dev/null;$gvsqw_SQWareCentralPath/bin/sqwctl_TrtAuto.ksh -T oracle -A sqwora_StartedInstancesOn.ksh -F GenLstUniqueOn -Exec 2>&1 >$HOME/admin/SQWareCentral/logs/StartedInstancesOracle.log'
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only.
SQWareWeb works with apache >=2.2, PHP 5.x with mysqli support, install these.
SQWareWeb apache
Configure your httpd.conf for "sqwareweb" by example:
NameVirtualHost *:80 ServerAdmin RewriteEngine On ErrorLog /home/dbsqware/apache/logs/error_log CustomLog /home/dbsqware/apache/logs/access_log common RewriteLog /home/dbsqware/apache/logs/rewrite.log RewriteLogLevel 0 <Directory "/home/dbsqware/dbSQWare/SQWareWeb"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /home/dbsqware/dbSQWare/SQWareWeb ServerName sqwareweb ServerAlias sqwareweb </VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /home/dbsqware/dbSQWare/SQWareWeb
Don't forget parameters like:
LoadModule php5_module modules/ User dbsqware Group dba AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Configure your php.ini (don't forget to restart apache after):
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED [MySQLi] mysqli.max_persistent = -1 mysqli.allow_persistent = On mysqli.max_links = -1 mysqli.cache_size = 2000 mysqli.default_port = 3306 mysqli.reconnect = Off [Session] session.save_handler = files session.use_cookies = 1 session.use_only_cookies = 1 = PHPSESSID session.auto_start = 0 session.cookie_lifetime = 0 session.cookie_path = / session.cookie_domain = session.cookie_httponly = session.serialize_handler = php session.gc_probability = 1 session.gc_divisor = 1000 session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 session.bug_compat_42 = Off session.bug_compat_warn = Off session.referer_check = session.entropy_length = 0 session.cache_limiter = nocache session.cache_expire = 180 session.use_trans_sid = 0 session.hash_function = 0 session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
This is the minimal configuration, you can change many parameters in apache and php ...
Now, you can test if apache/PHP are ready for you web site (put the good alias):
SQWareWeb customization
Configure SQWareWeb by default:
#Put default files in place $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareWeb/exploit/bin/PatchCustom.ksh
Configure SQWareRepository access:
vi ~/dbSQWare/SQWareWeb/custom/menu.ini [db] MysqlHost="SQWareRepositoryHost" MysqlUser="dbsqware_user" MysqlPass="dbSQWareMysPwd" MysqlDb="dbsqware_db" MysqlPort=3306
Customize SQWareWeb:
#Customize your icon in ~/dbSQWare/SQWareWeb/custom/images/client.png #Customize your home page vi ~/dbSQWare/SQWareWeb/custom/index.html #Customize webdba title if you want vi ~/dbSQWare/SQWareWeb/custom/title.html
Now, you can test you web site (put the good alias):
One admin user is created by SQWareRepository install to access SQWareWeb and admin console:
user : default_admin pass : OctopusDBA.001
Change this name and password (and create other users if necessary):
You can now populate your repository of instance to manage:
You have to configure this module on the focal point and deploy it with SQWareCentral command on all your hosts.
SQWareProduction generic
You have to customize SQWareProduction generic (impact all RDBMS) on the focal point $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/generic/*.
Variables customization
Customize if necessary variables contain in $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/generic/etc/sqwgen_GlobalVar.cfg,
put them into $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/generic/etc_cust/sqwgen_GlobalVar.cfg.
For help on sqwgen_GlobalVar.cfg
SQWareProduction for Oracle
You have to customize SQWareProduction for Oracle on the focal point $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/oracle/*.
Variables customization
Customize if necessary variables contain in $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/oracle/etc/sqwora_GlobalVar.cfg,
put them into $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/oracle/etc_cust/sqwora_GlobalVar.cfg.
For help on sqwora_GlobalVar.cfg
After that, you can deploy SQWareProduction for Oracle on all your hosts.
Attention, you must have install rsync on all your hosts.
SQWareProduction for Oracle will be deploy in ~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/oracle
#Use SQWareCentral depl_ora
To be able to deploy SQWareProduction, you must set up the SSH public key of user which you have installed SQWareCentral into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of $gvsqw_UserUnique on all Oracle hosts.
Users customization
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only.
The unix user must have /bin/ksh as shell. User must also have access to a MySQL client (to load indicators).
Put these lines in .profile of user that own instance (change ~$gvsqw_UserUnique).
export gvsqw_OraBin=~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/oracle/bin lvsqw_IsTerminal=$(tty 2>&1 >/dev/null;echo $?) if [ "$lvsqw_IsTerminal" = "0" ] && [ -r $gvsqw_OraBin/../etc/.profile_confort ] then . $gvsqw_OraBin/../etc/.profile_confort fi
Test your environnement
To test your new environnement:
#reload your profile . ~/.profile #to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #to see your customizations cetc
To check if connection to SQWareRepository is OK for SQWareProduction:
#to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #gather indicators ./sqwora_GatherIndicators.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID
The command should gather indicator and insert it in SQWareRepository.
SQWareProduction for Sybase
You have to customize SQWareProduction for Sybase on the focal point $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/sybase/*.
Variables customization
Customize if necessary variables contain in $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/sybase/etc/sqwsyb_GlobalVar.cfg,
put them into $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/sybase/etc_cust/sqwsyb_GlobalVar.cfg.
For help on sqwsyb_GlobalVar.cfg
After that, you can deploy SQWareProduction for Sybase on all your hosts.
Attention, you must have install rsync on all your hosts.
SQWareProduction for Sybase will be deploy in ~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/sybase
#Use SQWareCentral depl_syb
To be able to deploy SQWareProduction, you must set up the SSH public key of user which you have installed SQWareCentral into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of $gvsqw_UserUnique on all Sybase hosts.
Users customization
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only.
The unix user must have /bin/ksh as shell. User must also have access to a MySQL client (to load indicators).
Put these lines in .profile of user that own instance (change ~$gvsqw_UserUnique).
export gvsqw_SybBin=~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/sybase/bin lvsqw_IsTerminal=$(tty 2>&1 >/dev/null;echo $?) if [ "$lvsqw_IsTerminal" = "0" ] && [ -r $gvsqw_SybBin/../etc/.profile_confort ] then . $gvsqw_SybBin/../etc/.profile_confort fi
Test your environnement
To test your new environnement:
#reload your profile . ~/.profile #to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #to see your customizations cetc
To check if connection to SQWareRepository is OK for SQWareProduction:
#to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #gather indicators ./sqwsyb_GatherIndicators.ksh -S $DSQUERY
The command should gather indicator and insert it in SQWareRepository.
SQWareProduction for Mssql
You have to customize SQWareProduction for Mssql on the focal point $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/mssql/*.
Variables customization
Customize if necessary variables contain in $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/mssql/etc/sqwmsq_GlobalVar.cfg,
put them into $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/mssql/etc_cust/sqwmsq_GlobalVar.cfg.
For help on sqwmsq_GlobalVar.cfg
After that, you can deploy SQWareProduction for Mssql on all your hosts.
Attention, you must have install rsync on all your hosts.
SQWareProduction for Mssql will be deploy in ~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/mssql
#Use SQWareCentral depl_msq
To be able to deploy SQWareProduction, you must set up the SSH public key of user which you have installed SQWareCentral into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of $gvsqw_UserUnique on all Mssql hosts.
Users customization
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only.
The unix user must have /bin/ksh as shell. User must also have access to a MySQL client (to load indicators).
Put these lines in .profile of user that own instance (change ~$gvsqw_UserUnique).
export gvsqw_MsqBin=~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/mssql/bin lvsqw_IsTerminal=$(tty 2>&1 >/dev/null;echo $?) if [ "$lvsqw_IsTerminal" = "0" ] && [ -r $gvsqw_MsqBin/../etc/.profile_confort ] then . $gvsqw_MsqBin/../etc/.profile_confort fi
Test your environnement
To test your new environnement:
#reload your profile . ~/.profile #to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #to see your customizations cetc
To check if connection to SQWareRepository is OK for SQWareProduction:
#to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #gather indicators ./sqwmsq_GatherIndicators.ksh -S $AliasFreeTds
The command should gather indicator and insert it in SQWareRepository.
SQWareProduction for Mysql
You have to customize SQWareProduction for Mysql on the focal point $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/mysql/*.
Variables customization
Customize if necessary variables contain in $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/mysql/etc/sqwmys_GlobalVar.cfg,
put them into $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/mysql/etc_cust/sqwmys_GlobalVar.cfg.
For help on sqwmys_GlobalVar.cfg
After that, you can deploy SQWareProduction for Mysql on all your hosts.
Attention, you must have install rsync on all your hosts.
SQWareProduction for Mysql will be deploy in ~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/mysql
#Use SQWareCentral depl_mys
To be able to deploy SQWareProduction, you must set up the SSH public key of user which you have installed SQWareCentral into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of $gvsqw_UserUnique on all Mysql hosts.
Users customization
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only.
The unix user must have /bin/ksh as shell. User must also have access to a MySQL client (to load indicators).
Put these lines in .profile of user that own instance (change ~$gvsqw_UserUnique).
export gvsqw_MysBin=~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/mysql/bin lvsqw_IsTerminal=$(tty 2>&1 >/dev/null;echo $?) if [ "$lvsqw_IsTerminal" = "0" ] && [ -r $gvsqw_MysBin/../etc/.profile_confort ] then . $gvsqw_MysBin/../etc/.profile_confort fi
Test your environnement
To test your new environnement:
#reload your profile . ~/.profile #to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #to see your customizations cetc
To check if connection to SQWareRepository is OK for SQWareProduction:
#to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #gather indicators ./sqwmys_GatherIndicators.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID
The command should gather indicator and insert it in SQWareRepository.
SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL
You have to customize SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL on the focal point $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/postgres/*.
Variables customization
Customize if necessary variables contain in $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/postgres/etc/sqwpg_GlobalVar.cfg,
put them into $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/postgres/etc_cust/sqwpg_GlobalVar.cfg.
For help on sqwpg_GlobalVar.cfg
After that, you can deploy SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL on all your hosts.
Attention, you must have install rsync on all your hosts.
SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL will be deploy in ~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/postgres
#Use SQWareCentral depl_pg
To be able to deploy SQWareProduction, you must set up the SSH public key of user which you have installed SQWareCentral into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of $gvsqw_UserUnique on all PostgreSQL hosts.
Users customization
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only.
The unix user must have /bin/ksh as shell. User must also have access to a MySQL client (to load indicators).
Put these lines in .profile of user that own instance (change ~$gvsqw_UserUnique).
export gvsqw_PgBin=~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/postgres/bin lvsqw_IsTerminal=$(tty 2>&1 >/dev/null;echo $?) if [ "$lvsqw_IsTerminal" = "0" ] && [ -r $gvsqw_PgBin/../etc/.profile_confort ] then . $gvsqw_PgBin/../etc/.profile_confort fi
Test your environnement
To test your new environnement:
#reload your profile . ~/.profile #to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #to see your customizations cetc
To check if connection to SQWareRepository is OK for SQWareProduction:
#to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #gather indicators ./sqwpg_GatherIndicators.ksh -I $PG_SID
The command should gather indicator and insert it in SQWareRepository.
SQWareProduction for DB2
You have to customize SQWareProduction for DB2 on the focal point $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/db2/*.
Variables customization
Customize if necessary variables contain in $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/db2/etc/sqwdb2_GlobalVar.cfg,
put them into $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/db2/etc_cust/sqwdb2_GlobalVar.cfg.
For help on sqwdb2_GlobalVar.cfg
After that, you can deploy SQWareProduction for DB2 on all your hosts.
Attention, you must have install rsync on all your hosts.
SQWareProduction for DB2 will be deploy in ~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/db2
#Use SQWareCentral depl_db2
To be able to deploy SQWareProduction, you must set up the SSH public key of user which you have installed SQWareCentral into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of $gvsqw_UserUnique on all DB2 hosts.
Users customization
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only.
The unix user must have /bin/ksh as shell. User must also have access to a MySQL client (to load indicators).
Put these lines in .profile of user that own instance (change ~$gvsqw_UserUnique).
export gvsqw_Db2Bin=~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/db2/bin lvsqw_IsTerminal=$(tty 2>&1 >/dev/null;echo $?) if [ "$lvsqw_IsTerminal" = "0" ] && [ -r $gvsqw_Db2Bin/../etc/.profile_confort ] then . $gvsqw_Db2Bin/../etc/.profile_confort fi
Test your environnement
To test your new environnement:
#reload your profile . ~/.profile #to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #to see your customizations cetc
To check if connection to SQWareRepository is OK for SQWareProduction:
#to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #gather indicators ./sqwdb2_GatherIndicators.ksh -I $DB2_SID
The command should gather indicator and insert it in SQWareRepository.
SQWareProduction for Ingres
You have to customize SQWareProduction for Ingres on the focal point $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/ingres/*.
Variables customization
Customize if necessary variables contain in $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/ingres/etc/sqwing_GlobalVar.cfg,
put them into $HOME/dbSQWare/SQWareProduction/ingres/etc_cust/sqwing_GlobalVar.cfg.
For help on sqwing_GlobalVar.cfg
After that, you can deploy SQWareProduction for Ingres on all your hosts.
Attention, you must have install rsync on all your hosts.
SQWareProduction for Ingres will be deploy in ~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/ingres
#Use SQWareCentral depl_ing
To be able to deploy SQWareProduction, you must set up the SSH public key of user which you have installed SQWareCentral into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of $gvsqw_UserUnique on all Ingres hosts.
Users customization
You must install on an Unix/Linux platform only.
The unix user must have /bin/ksh as shell. User must also have access to a MySQL client (to load indicators).
Put these lines in .profile of user that own instance (change ~$gvsqw_UserUnique).
export gvsqw_IngBin=~$gvsqw_UserUnique/SQWareProduction/ingres/bin lvsqw_IsTerminal=$(tty 2>&1 >/dev/null;echo $?) if [ "$lvsqw_IsTerminal" = "0" ] && [ -r $gvsqw_IngBin/../etc/.profile_confort ] then . $gvsqw_IngBin/../etc/.profile_confort fi
Test your environnement
To test your new environnement:
#reload your profile . ~/.profile #to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #to see your customizations cetc
To check if connection to SQWareRepository is OK for SQWareProduction:
#to go in SQWareProduction scripts bin #gather indicators ./sqwing_GatherIndicators.ksh -I $INGRES_SID
The command should gather indicator and insert it in SQWareRepository.