SQWareRepository™, also known technically as SQWareRepository®, is the repository module, and stores rdbms indicators.
It manage the repository and the database indicators (this is actually a schema or database)..
This module has one part per RDBMS managed. There is no 'core' part, each type of RDBMS is independent.
There is still a consistency between all these MCD, you will find for example the referential table tsqw_Repository in each.
Each scheme is managed in the same type of RDBMS that managed to avoid client deployment problem (Oracle in Oracle, Sybase, Sybase ...). One exemption is Ingres, Ingres indicators are managed in a MySql database.
Links to different plugins of SQWareRepository™ module :
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naming convention
All objects are named with prefixes:
- tsqw_% : for tables
- isqw_% : for index
- isqw_%_u : for uniques
- isqw_%_pk : for primary key