SQWareProduction:oracle:bin:sqwora RmanBackup.ksh

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Script $gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_RmanBackup.ksh :

RMAN backups

Online help

The online help is available for most scripts with the -h option.
Ex: $gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_RmanBackup.ksh -h
Content of this assistance :

Usage: sqwora_RmanBackup.ksh [-h] -I <instance> -T <Type> [+ options]

   sqwora_RmanBackup.ksh execute RMAN backup

     -I  instance       : Target instance to backup.
     -T  Type           : Backup type (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, log).
     -h                 : Display the full usage.
     -O  Type           : cold,hot (default hot).
     -SRO               : Option 'skip readonly' (default backup all TBS).
     -Freeze            : Freeze cluster resource when cold backup.
     -Blackout          : Blackout supervision when cold backup.
     -NoMail            : Desactivate sendmail on error to dba (by default, send on error).
     -Exec              : Run backup (default, display generated commands)

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L'exécution des commandes est désactivé tant que l'option -Exec n'est pas positionnée !

Vous devez spécifier l'option -Exec pour exécuter réellement les commandes.

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To be sure the aid is accurate, refer directly to the online help script -h option.

Error management

Errors passing arguments

This type of message is generated:

Lack instance parameter, Usage: sqwora_RmanBackup.ksh [-h] -I <instance> -T <Type> [+ options]
For full help : sqwora_RmanBackup.ksh -h

If you are connecting through a terminal, no mail will be sent and you will have more this kind of message:

No send mail because you are in connected mode !!!
Lack instance parameter

If you are not connected to a terminal, the error message appears and is sent by mail to the address contained in the variable $gvsqw_GlobalMail (See help customize this variable). The subject line will always start by "$gvsqw_MailMsg_oracle : " (See help customize this variable).

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Sending mail can be disabled by the option -NoMail for one execution.

Execution errors

Whether you are or not connected to a terminal, the error message appears and an email containing a summary of treatment errors is sent to the address contained in the variable $gvsqw_Mail_oracle (See help customize this variable). The subject line will always start by "$gvsqw_MailMsg_oracle : " (See help customize this variable).

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Sending mail can be disabled by the option -NoMail for one execution.

Usage examples


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To be sure the examples are accurate, refer directly to the online help script -s option.