Sourcing sqwora_Global.lib v2024.07 SQWareProduction for Oracle (dbSQWare) ...
#Standard help for script sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh:
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -h
#Display online help for this script
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -Locale en -h
#Display online help for this script with forcing of the 'en' locale (by default locale managed by $gvsqw_Locale)
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -s
#Display usage examples for this script
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID
#Generate commands but don't execute them !
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -Exec
#Export all schema for all PDB on the instance $ORACLE_SID
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -IS 'thisone,thatone' -Exec
#List of schemas to include in the copy : thisone and thatone (by default all).
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -ES 'thisotherone,thatotherone' -Exec
#List of schemas to exclude in the copy : thisotherone and thatotherone
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -IL '%_PROD' -Exec
#Clause like to generate dynamic schemas list to include (example: 'sch%').
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -EL '%_TESTS' -Exec
#Clause like to generate dynamic schemas list to exclude (example: 'nosch%')."
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -WCD '<condition>' -Exec
#Clause where to generate dynamic schemas list to include (example: 'OPEN_MODE=MOUNTED')
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -DIR <DirExport> -ZIP <ZipExtension> -Exec
#Execute generated commands and use export directory <DirExport> and compress them (gz,bz2,Z,none)
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -PutInf <user@host:path> -Exec
#Export all schema for all PDB of the instance $ORACLE_SID and copy dump files to the path <host:path>
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -Pdb <pdb_name> -Exec
#Specify pugable database name <pdb_name> for multitenant environnements
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -HI <NbGeneration> -Exec
#define the number of expdp version of data to keep for this job
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -AGR 20 -Exec
#Set the waiting time in seconds between two command run, 20s here (by default is 0 manage by $lvsqw_AggressivenessRun)
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -AGE 40 -Exec
#Set the waiting time in seconds between two end checks, 40s here (by default is 5 manage by $lvsqw_AggressivenessCheckEnd)
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -PS <NumericValue> -Exec
#Number of PDB to process in parallel, work only with Oracle Enterprise
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -P <NumericValue> -Exec
#Run sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh script with a parallel degree of '<NumericValue>'
#Use by default the variable gvsqw_NbThreadXXX in $gvsqw_OraBin/../etc/sqwora_GlobalVar.cfg
#You can change this default on all your environnement if you set this variable
#in configuration file $gvsqw_OraBin/../etc_cust/sqwora_GlobalVar.cfg
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -OPT '<options>' -Exec
#Add the option(s) <options> to the expdp job
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -sysdba -Exec
#Set the user as '/ as sysdba' for the expdp job for all PDB
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -NoConsistent -Exec
#Remove 'flashback_time=systimestamp' option (set by default)
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -AddMail ',' -Exec
#Add the mail list to the default address managed by the variable gvsqw_GlobalMail
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -SendReport -Exec
#Send the log by email at the end of the treatment even if there is no error
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -NoMail -Exec
#Disables sending an email on error to $gvsqw_GlobalMail (by default, send on error)
$gvsqw_OraBin/sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB.ksh -I $ORACLE_SID -FRT <NumericValue> -Exec
#Force return code to '<NumericValue>' on error (if no error, "exit 0!")
#You can also force return code of this script on all your
#environnement if you set the variable: $gvsqw_ForcedReturnCodeScript_sqwora_ExpdpAllPDB=<NumericValue>
#in configuration file $gvsqw_OraBin/../etc_cust/sqwora_GlobalVar.cfg