SQWareProduction:cassandra:bin:sqwcas RunJob.ksh

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Script $gvsqw_CasBin/sqwcas_RunJob.ksh :

Run Cassandra scripts and generate log and error file
based on $gvsqw_RootCfg/sqwcas_Jobs.cfg configuration file
compress and purge oldest log files

Online help

The online help is available for most scripts with the -h option.
Ex: $gvsqw_CasBin/sqwcas_RunJob.ksh -h
Content of this assistance :

Sourcing sqwcas_Global.lib v2024.06 SQWareProduction for Cassandra (dbSQWare) ... 

Usage: sqwcas_RunJob.ksh [-h] -I <instance> -A <action> [+ options]

   sqwcas_RunJob.ksh run script associated to the action parameter
   All rdbms type and version

     -I  instance       : Target instance to action (or 'SQWareCentral').
     -A  action         : Action to execute.
     -Locale    locale  : Force Locale for help display (fr,en).
     -h                 : Display the full usage.
     -s                 : Display samples of usage.

Nuvola apps information.png
To be sure the aid is accurate, refer directly to the online help script -h option.

Error management

Errors passing arguments

This type of message is generated:

Lack 'instance' parameter, Usage: sqwcas_RunJob.ksh [-h] -I <instance> -A <action> [+ options]
For full help : sqwcas_RunJob.ksh -h

If you are connecting through a terminal, no mail will be sent and you will have more this kind of message:

Not sending mail because you are in connected mode !!!
Lack 'instance' parameter

If you are not connected to a terminal, the error message appears and is sent by mail to the address contained in the variable $gvsqw_GlobalMail (See help customize this variable). The subject line will always start by "$gvsqw_MailMsg_cassandra : " (See help customize this variable).

Nuvola apps information.png
Sending mail can be disabled by the option -NoMail for one execution.

Execution errors

Whether you are or not connected to a terminal, the error message appears and an email containing a summary of treatment errors is sent to the address contained in the variable $gvsqw_Mail_cassandra (See help customize this variable). The subject line will always start by "$gvsqw_MailMsg_cassandra : " (See help customize this variable).

Nuvola apps information.png
Sending mail can be disabled by the option -NoMail for one execution.

Usage examples

Sourcing sqwcas_Global.lib v2024.06 SQWareProduction for Cassandra (dbSQWare) ... 

#Standard generic help for script sqwcas_RunJob.ksh:

$gvsqw_Cas/sqwgen_RunJob.ksh -h
#Display online help for this script

$gvsqw_Cas/sqwgen_RunJob.ksh -Locale en -h
#Display online help for this script with forcing of the 'en' locale (by default locale managed by $gvsqw_Locale)

$gvsqw_Cas/sqwgen_RunJob.ksh -s
#Display usage examples for this script

$gvsqw_Cas/sqwgen_RunJob.ksh -I <Instance> -A <action>
#Search action <action> in $gvsqw_RootCfg/sqwcas_Jobs.cfg
#and execute command line with eval function
#genarate log file "$gvsqw_LogDir/"$(basename $lvsqw_Script|sed 's,.ksh$,,')_$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S').log
#genarate error file "$gvsqw_LogDir/"$(basename $lvsqw_Script|sed 's,.ksh$,,')_$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S').err
Nuvola apps information.png
To be sure the examples are accurate, refer directly to the online help script -s option.