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Sourcing sqwora_Global.lib v2024.03 SQWareProduction for Oracle (dbSQWare) ...  
Sourcing sqwora_Global.lib v2024.04 SQWareProduction for Oracle (dbSQWare) ...  
#Standard generic help for script sqwora_RunJob.ksh:
#Standard generic help for script sqwora_RunJob.ksh:

Latest revision as of 20:14, 2 June 2024

Sourcing sqwora_Global.lib v2024.04 SQWareProduction for Oracle (dbSQWare) ... 

#Standard generic help for script sqwora_RunJob.ksh:

$gvsqw_Ora/sqwgen_RunJob.ksh -h
#Display online help for this script

$gvsqw_Ora/sqwgen_RunJob.ksh -Locale en -h
#Display online help for this script with forcing of the 'en' locale (by default locale managed by $gvsqw_Locale)

$gvsqw_Ora/sqwgen_RunJob.ksh -s
#Display usage examples for this script

$gvsqw_Ora/sqwgen_RunJob.ksh -I <Instance> -A <action>
#Search action <action> in $gvsqw_RootCfg/sqwora_Jobs.cfg
#and execute command line with eval function
#genarate log file "$gvsqw_LogDir/"$(basename $lvsqw_Script|sed 's,.ksh$,,')_$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S').log
#genarate error file "$gvsqw_LogDir/"$(basename $lvsqw_Script|sed 's,.ksh$,,')_$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S').err