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Script $gvsqw_MysBin/../bin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh:<br>
// execution of sqwmys_AnalyzeDatabase.ksh for all databases
Lack 'MYSQL_SID' parameter, Usage: sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh [-h]  -I instance [+ options]
For full help : sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -h
Not sending mail because you are in connected mode !!!
Lack 'MYSQL_SID' parameter

Latest revision as of 16:44, 2 July 2021


Script $gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh :

Run of sqwmys_AnalyzeDatabase.ksh in parallel mode
You can choose:

  • The parallel degree
  • Aggressiveness of run (number of seconds between two runs)
  • Aggressiveness of check end (number of seconds between two checks of end)

Filters to generate database list (you can mix all off them):

  • Include list of database
  • Exclude list of database
  • Include like clause
  • Exclude like clause
  • Where clause

Online help

The online help is available for most scripts with the -h option.
Ex: $gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -h
Content of this assistance :

Sourcing sqwmys_Global.lib v2024.06 SQWareProduction for MySQL (dbSQWare) ... 

Usage: sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh [-h] -I instance [+ options]

   sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh analyze tables of databases in parallel
   MySql   supported versions: 5.0 <= v <= 8.3
   MariaDB supported versions: 5.5 <= v <= 11.4

     -I  instance       : Target instance to analyze.
     -h                 : Display the full usage.
     -s                 : Display samples of usage.
     -P    Nb threads   : Number of threads in parallel (by default 2).
     -ID   listdb       : List of databases holding tables to analyze (by default all).
     -ED   listdb       : List of databases to exclude.
     -IL   likeclause   : Like clause to generate databases list (example: 'db%').
     -EL   likeclause   : Like clause to exclude databases (example: 'nodb%').
     -WCD  whereclause  : Where clause to generate databases list.
     -AGR Nb_sec        : Nb of seconds between two runs (by default 1s).
     -AGE Nb_sec        : Nb of seconds between two checks of end (by default 10s).
     -FRT       code    : Force return code value on error.
     -AddMail   email   : Email address to add at 'pmexpdba@gmail.com'.
     -SendReport        : Send execution log report.
     -Dist              : For distant connection to database (change $gvsqw_ConnectString to $gvsqw_DistConnectString ).
     -NoMail            : Deactivate sendmail on error pmexpdba@gmail.com (by default, send on error).
     -Locale    locale  : Force Locale for help display (fr,en).
     -Exec              : Execute commands (by default, display generated commands).

Nuvola apps information.png
To be sure the aid is accurate, refer directly to the online help script -h option.

Error management

Errors passing arguments

This type of message is generated:

Lack 'MYSQL_SID' parameter, Usage: sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh [-h]  -I instance [+ options]
For full help : sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -h

If you are connecting through a terminal, no mail will be sent and you will have more this kind of message:

Not sending mail because you are in connected mode !!!
Lack 'MYSQL_SID' parameter

If you are not connected to a terminal, the error message appears and is sent by mail to the address contained in the variable $gvsqw_GlobalMail (See help customize this variable). The subject line will always start by "$gvsqw_MailMsg_mysql : " (See help customize this variable).

Nuvola apps information.png
Sending mail can be disabled by the option -NoMail for one execution.

Execution errors

Whether you are or not connected to a terminal, the error message appears and an email containing a summary of treatment errors is sent to the address contained in the variable $gvsqw_Mail_mysql (See help customize this variable). The subject line will always start by "$gvsqw_MailMsg_mysql : " (See help customize this variable).

Nuvola apps information.png
Sending mail can be disabled by the option -NoMail for one execution.

Usage examples

Sourcing sqwmys_Global.lib v2024.06 SQWareProduction for MySQL (dbSQWare) ... 

#Standard help for script sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh:

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -h
#Display online help for this script

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -Locale en -h
#Display online help for this script with forcing of the 'en' locale (by default locale managed by $gvsqw_Locale)

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -s
#Display usage examples for this script

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID
#Generate commands but don't execute them !

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -Exec
#Execute sqwmys_AnalyzeDatabase.ksh in parallel mode for all the databases on instance $MYSQL_SID

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -Dist -Exec
#Analyze of all tables for all the databases for the non-local instance $MYSQL_SID with distant connection
#You need to register credentials to use for distant connection to the instance (user and so on) in file $gvsqw_DistPasswdFile

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -AGR 20 -Exec
#Set the waiting time in seconds between two command run, 20s here

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -AGE 30 -Exec
#Set the waiting time in seconds between two end checks, 30s here

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -ID 'DbName1,DbName2' -Exec
#Execute generated commands for only the 2 specified databases

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -ED 'DbName3,DbName4' -Exec
#Execute generated commands except for the 2 specified databases

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -IL '%_PROD' -Exec
#Clause like to generate dynamic database list to include (example: 'dbprod%')

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -EL '%_TESTS' -Exec
#Clause like to generate dynamic database list to exclude (example: 'dbtest%')

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -WCD '<condition>' -Exec
#Clause where to generate dynamic database list to include (example: 'OPEN_MODE=MOUNTED')

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -P <NumericValue> -Exec
#Run sqwmys_AnalyzeDatabase.ksh script with a parallel degree of '<NumericValue>'
#Use by default the variable gvsqw_NbThreadXXX in $gvsqw_MysBin/../etc/sqwmys_GlobalVar.cfg
#You can change this default on all your environnement if you set this variable
#in configuration file $gvsqw_MysBin/../etc_cust/sqwmys_GlobalVar.cfg

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -AddMail 'mymail1@mydomaine.com,mymail2@mydomaine.com' -Exec
#Add the mail list to the default address managed by the variable gvsqw_GlobalMail

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -SendReport -Exec
#Send the log by email at the end of the treatment even if there is no error

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -NoMail -Exec
#Disables sending an email on error to $gvsqw_GlobalMail (by default, send on error)

$gvsqw_MysBin/sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases.ksh -I $MYSQL_SID -FRT <NumericValue> -Exec
#Force return code to '<NumericValue>' on error (if no error, "exit 0!")
#You can also force return code of this script on all your
#environnement if you set the variable: $gvsqw_ForcedReturnCodeScript_sqwmys_AnalyzeAllDatabases=<NumericValue>
#in configuration file $gvsqw_MysBin/../etc_cust/sqwmys_GlobalVar.cfg
Nuvola apps information.png
To be sure the examples are accurate, refer directly to the online help script -s option.