
From Wiki_dbSQWare
Revision as of 00:01, 14 December 2010 by Expdbtools (talk | contribs)
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Install sources of all modules on focal point

Prepare archive file of all modules

#Create base directory of expdbTools®
mkdir -p $HOME/expdbTools

#Move zip of lastest full version
cp ~/downloads/expdbTools_full_*.zip $HOME/expdbTools/.

#Unzip file
cd $HOME/expdbTools
unzip expdbTools_full_*.zip

#Delete zip file
rm -f expdbTools_full_*.zip

Extract archives of all modules

#gunzip and extract archive of all modules
for lvsqw_Archive in `ls expdb*.tgz`
   lvsqw_Module=$(echo "$lvsqw_Archive"|sed 's,_full_v..*tgz$,,')
   mkdir -p $HOME/expdbTools/$lvsqw_Module
   cd $HOME/expdbTools/$lvsqw_Module
   echo "extract $lvsqw_Archive for $lvsqw_Module :"
   gunzip -c ../$lvsqw_Archive |tar -xvf -

#Delete archive file
cd $HOME/expdbTools
rm -f expdb*.tgz

Modules configuration


If you want use the full capability of dbSQWare, you have to install it.
If you don't install expdbDB you can't use SQWareCentral nor SQWareWeb.
Module SQWareProduction can only run alone.

For Oracle

Install schema with script ~/expdbTools/SQWareRepository/oracle/v*/edtd_CreateUserIndicator.sql
Install tables with script ~/expdbTools/SQWareRepository/oracle/v*/edtd_CreateTablesIndicators.sql
Populate table tsqw_Repository with your CMDB.
Sample of insert query:

insert into tsqw_Repository ...

For Sybase

Create a Sybase database to store CMDB and indicators.
Install tables with script ~/expdbTools/SQWareRepository/sybase/v*/edtd_CreateTablesIndicators.sql
Populate table tsqw_Repository with your CMDB.
Sample of insert query:

insert into tsqw_Repository ...

For MsSql

Create a MsSql database to store CMDB and indicators.
Install tables with script ~/expdbTools/SQWareRepository/mssql/v*/edtd_CreateTablesIndicators.sql
Populate table tsqw_Repository with your CMDB.
Sample of insert query:

insert into tsqw_Repository ...

For MySql

Create a MySql database to store CMDB and indicators.
Install tables with script ~/expdbTools/SQWareRepository/mysql/v*/edtd_CreateTablesIndicators.sql
Populate table tsqw_Repository with your CMDB.
Sample of insert query:

insert into tsqw_Repository ...

For Ingres

Create a MySql database to store CMDB and indicators.
Install tables with script ~/expdbTools/SQWareRepository/ingres/v*/edtd_CreateTablesIndicators.sql
Populate table tsqw_Repository with your CMDB.
Sample of insert query:

insert into tsqw_Repository ...