Template:SQWareProduction sqwmsq RebuildIndexDatabase.ksh help

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Sourcing sqwmsq_Global.lib v3.1.06 SQWareProduction for MsSql (dbSQWare GPL v3) ... 

Usage: sqwmsq_RebuildIndexDatabase.ksh [-h] -S <FreeTdsAlias> -D <DatabaseName> [+ options]

   sqwmsq_RebuildIndexDatabase.ksh rebuild index of database
   MsSql supported versions: 2000 <= v <= 2008

     -S  Instance       : Target instance (freeTds alias).
     -D  databasename   : Target database.
     -h    help         : Display the full usage.
     -s                 : Display samples of usage.
     -IT   listtables   : Tables list for running analyze tables (by default all).
     -ET   listtables   : Tables list to exclude.
     -IL   likeclause   : Like clause to generate tables list (example: 'tbl%').
     -EL   likeclause   : Like clause to exclude tables (example: 'notbl%').
     -WCT  whereclause  : Where clause to generate tables list.
     -FRT  return_code  : Force return code value on error.
     -NoMail            : Desactivate sendmail on error default@dbsqware.com (by default, send on error).
     -Exec              : Execute commands (default, display generated commands)